The Keysight 54006A 6 GHz passive divider probe kit provides passive probing of high speed logic circuits and low impedance circuits. The major advantage of this probe is the small amount of capacitive probe tip loading (approximately 250 pF). This makes it possible to probe high frequency circuits without disturbing the circuit with a large capacitive load. Two probe body assemblies are provided with the 54006A giving you the choice of 10:1 and 20:1 probe tip division ratios that may be used with any 50Ω input instrument. The 20:1 probe assembly is 5 mm (0.2 in.) longer than the 10:1 probe assembly.

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Oscilloscope Series Compatible
(with N5442A adapter)
(with N5442A adapter)
90000 Q-Series
(with N5442A adapter)
90000 X-Series
(with N5442A adapter)
90000A Series
86100D DCA-X
80000B Series
9000 H-Series
9000 Series
8000 Series  
7000 Series  
6000 X-Series
6000 Series  
5000 Series  
4000 X-Series
3000 X-Series
2000 X-Series  
1000 Series  
5484X & 5485X